The Projared Drama

I'm a very small Youtuber and Projared was one of my biggest inspirations when I started out. I review anime and I saw that nobody reviewed anime like Projared reviewed video games. I wanted to do something like he did. I wanted my reviews to take the viewer on a journey with me, like Projared's reviews did.

I liked Jared's videos and they got me more into video games. I liked how he looked at titles from all generations of gaming. I'd even say that he inspired me to become more of a retro gamer, which is still my preferred method of gaming. Hell, even as recently as this August, I marathoned his videos while my fingers were healing from tendonitis. Even if I couldn't play video games, I was able to go on a journey with Projared, which helped alleviate my irritation at not being able to play games myself.

I'll admit, other than using his videos for a substitute for playing games, I haven't watched his videos lately. But, I still consider this a shame. Jared's videos prompted me to get more into high fantasy (thanks to his D&December videos) and Magic the Gathering (thanks to his review of the old PC game).

Projared's videos gave me a special type of feeling when I watched them, different compared to other gaming youtubers. It was like going on a journey of nerd-dom and exploring a whole new world. I learned about all sorts of new properties because nobody other than Jared would really talk about stuff like that. Very few people would make comedic reviews of nerdy, obscure SNES games. I just think this is a shame really. I don't hate Jared, I hold a feeling worse than hate for this horndog. It's disappointment. I'd rather hate him. I'd rather feel nothing but vitriol when thinking of him. Instead, I feel empty. Sad that this guy who I looked up to, both in terms of content creation and diving more into geek culture, was a disgusting bastard all along.

I'm not 100% on Heidi's side, as we don't know all the facts. After all, their relationship was private and only they know the truth. However, I know that Jared was a pedophile who took advantage of his fans' trust and adoration. That alone is enough to repulse me, as it should be to repulse anyone else.
