Why I Don't Like Kpop Anymore

I used to be obsessed with kpop, as evident by my first (and, currently, only other) blog post. However, I'm really not interested in it anymore. I still like the music somewhat (though I'm not as into it as I used to be), but I just can't stand it on a personal/social level anymore. It all began in March of this year.

Reason #1: I left Twitter

Twitter is a place where any emotion you experience is intensified. This intensification is due to the attention you get due to expressing extreme emotions/opinions. I'm not saying that I was faking it for attention or anything like that. Rather, I was influenced by other people who were expressing extreme opinions about these groups. If I really liked a song of theirs or liked the members, I would tweet shit that would go like "I'd die for him/her" or something similar. I didn't think I was acting different than how I truly felt, and in many ways, I wasn't. Back then, I just experienced emotions much more extremely than I do now due to the landscape of Twitter. I was also moving to a place vastly different than my old home, so that might've been a way for me to release pent up stress. (I also wasn't on anxiety meds back then so maybe that's why my emotions were so much more intense? Nah, I'm just kidding. It was more likely the last stages of puberty getting to me)

Now that my emotions are normal again and I don't feel like I have to express every thought that goes through my head to the internet, I'm a lot more mellow. I've gotten used to where I live (it sucks but whatever lol), my social anxiety isn't killing me anymore (it's still there but it's not even close to as bad). I have no reason to escape and intensify my emotions with a stupid coping mechanism.

Reason #2: Did somebody say OVER-STIMULATION

When I was super into kpop, I only really followed girl groups. At the time, I thought it was because I was bi and preferred women (spoiler: I'm not bi and never was. That's a blog post for a later date). However, now, as someone who's released she's straight, the reason I didn't like boy groups that much was because seeing all those hot boys was overstimulating. It just didn't feel right and it made me get sick of men for a while because of how many picture perfect boys I was seeing on a day to day basis. All the dopamine just kinda stopped flowing and I got sick of it. So, I went to girl groups. 

Reason #3: Pandering Bullshit

Another reason I didn't like boy groups was due to how it felt like I was being pandered to all the time. I couldn't stand this bullshit. It felt like these guys were treating me like a stupid child. I was not interested. I also found most of their reality shows boring as fuck because, unlike girl groups, boy groups tend to focus on pandering to female fans instead of actually being funny or charismatic. Either that or maybe the over-stimulation made me unable to appreciate their humor. I don't know. 

Reason #4: Celebrity Worship is STUPID

Before getting into kpop, I hated the idea of celebrity worship. However, when I got into it, I became a total hypocrite. Now, I'm back to normal and I realize that celebrity worship is one of the dumbest things you can do, especially in regards to kpop. My decline of interest in kpop began when Wendy of Red Velvet did yet another racist impersonation. It was this that made me realize that worshiping people I don't know (or worshiping people in general) is stupid. These people are just doing this shit to make money. Most of them are probably assholes, and the group members probably aren't even friends. The only reason they talk to each other is because they were forced to be together by an awful company. Speaking of being forced to be together...

Reason #5: It's Fake as Fuck 

Kpop is so squeaky clean it's nauseating. Every group member is "your friend :D" or even "your partner <3". They aren't either of that. In fact, these people probably hate their fans due to how this marketing strategy gets them to be targeted by saesangs (AKA fucked up stalker fans). This talk about loving their fans is usually a load of horseshit. It's just a ploy to get people to buy their albums by getting their fans' undies wet. Also, at least 50% of the kpop industry is racist/homophobic and only "loves" some of their fans.

Reason #6: It's Abusive and Violates Human Rights

Whew, is this a loaded subject. The rest of the shit on this list was pretty inconsequential and dumb (other than that tidbit about racism/homophobia) but this shit's actually serious. The kpop industry is one that takes advantage of mothers who want to get their kid famous, kids who love to perform but are too scared to try to break through via a traditional record label, and kids who are attractive and like to sing/dance/rap but aren't talented enough to do either professionally. Kids start training at as young as 12 (or even 8 or 9 in some cases). When these kids get old enough to where they should be able to realize that this shit's fucked, they've already been doing this shit for so long that they don't really have any skills other than the ones required to be an idol or that they don't realize/care that it's fucked up. It's actually really fucking sad. Do you enjoy this group's music or find their members funny? Well guess what? They've been essentially tortured since a young age.

The most telling instance of how awful this industry is is the kpop industry and its fans' reactions to E'Dawn and Hyuna dating. These two are potentially going to lose their jobs just because they are in love with each other. The industry created this sense of entitlement in the fans and it continues to encourage it by giving into their demands. 

Reason #7: I Hurt My Hands

I accidentally gave myself tendinitis (or is it capsulitis? I don't know, my doctor keeps going back and forth) by playing this stupid kpop rhythm game for hours a day.

This is all my fault and I'm aware of that. "It's a game not a drug", "I should've listened to my body when it was strained", yada yada yada. I'm not blaming the kpop industry for myself hurting my hands. The incident did, however, make me realize how stupid this shit is. The above reasons were already floating around in my mind, but this just brought all those other points home. It was actually a really great metaphor. The game encourages you to log in everyday. It's pay to win, meaning that if you want to even have a chance of competing with the big boys without spending 100 fucking dollars you need to play all the time. It doesn't suggest taking a break after playing a shit ton of songs, representing how the industry only sees you for your wallet and not as an actual human being. And the worst part is, I can't participate in one of my greatest loves, video games, for potentially up to two years because of this dumb shit. This represents how kpop took away time from shit I actually liked. I could've played games or watched movies or even worked on videos but instead I wasted my time on this vapid garbage. And due to this, even more time is taken away from shit I enjoy. It's cruel, cruel irony. 

Reason #8: The Fans

Kpop fans are abysmal.  Not all, but a large amount. Today, Stan Lee died, and, you know what one of those sickos did? They made a meme out of it to promote Loona. RM of BTS wore a hate with the Nazi Eagle and Swastika on it, and the BTS fandom tried to claim it was fabricated, despite it being extremely clear when you look at the HD pictures. The fans are so hypocritical. They claim to be so woke and such huge activists, but they stan awful people. And they usually condemn the acts of other groups but like to say that their group is a okay because of a vague apology or because it happened a long time ago. And, half the time these people don't care about actual issues. They just pretend to so they can get all outraged when their rival groups fuck up. It's pathetic and actually disgusting.

And that my friends is why I don't like kpop anymore. The music's okay but all the above reasons, along with me overplaying it, just makes me unable to really enjoy it anymore. I'm falling in love with J-metal again though \m/. It feels like freshman year again, aka before my Twitter addiction fucked up my life and I'm loving it. Peace out, and I'll see you guys again with another blogpost. It's probably gonna be how I thought I was bi (twice) and how I finally realized I wasn't. So, it'll be a heavy topic, kinda. Anyways, see ya later.


  1. Your reasons are valid. I know I'm straight but also since I'm young, my preference for boy groups isn't really overstimulating. Also, I prefer boy groups because I can't find anything fun in girl groups. The reason is probably because as a tomboy, I feel insecure about my feminine side and I dislike things that remind me that who I am is not the girl norm. In fact, I daily wish I was a boy and I try to learn from the male idols in a way. However, I know I'm straight or lean towards boys as a bisexual (i'm confused about my sexuality and gender right now). I feel that also, my depression had played a major role in it. I loved kpop and it helped me through tough times. However, depression has just sucked the fun out of everything I liked. Art, animation, drawing, school, friends, kpop, dance, everything. I used to enjoy all of those so much it was who i was. But now, I lost all of those things and it's a struggle to live. I wish I could love kpop like i used to or at least be happy with ulting one group (I'm insecure of following only one group).


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